Woo hoo! Finally back in the negative direction on the scale. The weather has been a lot better lately, so the last few days have been awesome for riding. Today's adventure was the first 60 mile ride I've done in a LONG time, so I was a bit nervous about it before we started. Not to worry, though...It was the MS Bike ride, which starts on the Gateway Trail and goes out into Scandia, then back to the Maplewood Community Center. The weather was pretty good the whole way, despite dire predictions of dumping rain. Personally, I think THIS is what saved us:

Here's something else cool that we saw at the bike ride this morning:

Anyway...You'll note that I've revised my mileage goal that I want to hit before leaving on the bike trip. 1500 was just way too ambitious, especially since I didn't know how much time I would be spending away from my regular job location (that 2 week period plus most of the next 2 weeks as well), which means I only have time to ride after work, never mind the impending arrival of various family members for Uber-Hubby's graduation. 1000 is much more doable. I'll take another look at the overall summer mileage goal after we get back from our trip.
Tonight was my women's hockey team party with Hot Flash. We took second in the state this year, a big improvement over last year, and no small feat when you consider that it's only our 3rd year in existence. I was a good girl, though. I packed my SSHE meal in a cooler and had that instead of the catered food, though I did have a little dessert and some chips & guacamole. Oh well...Considering my 5 hours of cycling this morning, I figure I'm okay. The party was good fun...We tie-dyed team t-shirts and watched the video that PROVES we were robbed in the championship game of the state tournament. I was also REALLY flattered that several people on the team said they wanted me to still be on the roster next season, even though U-H and I are moving to Mankato and I won't be available for at least half the games. It's been a long time since I felt included like that. I know several of my team mates read this blog, so THANK YOU.
My tie-dye job came out great. U-H says it looks like a professional stoner did it, LOL. Pictures to come after it dries.
Until then, get off the couch and
Pedal Your Fat Ass Off
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