That's us riding after work today. Uber-Hubby is practicing taking pictures of us using his new X-Shot...It's a telescoping stick that screws into the bottom of his digital camera, so you can do self portraits and stuff without looking like the camera is right there in your face. No more having to ask strangers to take your picture! Sadly, U-H felt it necessary to buy another cycling cap, aka "That Gay Little Hat". Seriously...Just look at that thing. He's threatening to wear it in every single vacation picture on our bike trip, "just for me"...There may have to be some kind of "accident". Maybe I could somehow disguise it as a dog toy & then blame it all on Rocky. Hmmmm....
Anyway...That's another awesome ride this week, and this time we checked out some new trails that connect Elm Creek Park Reserve with other regional trail systems. We're very lucky to live in a place with such great bike paths.
That is not a Gay Little Hat. That is a Cinelli hat, only worn by the most macho of men.
That's right. In your face!
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