Well, finally. I can't tell you how many times the scale has dipped below 180 in the last several weeks, only to go back above it by the time official weigh in day rolls around. I don't plan to see 180 ever again. In fact, the scale is starting to confuse me with Uber-Hubby, so that means I'm getting closer to weighing less than he does again.

Today's ride was a total of 30 miles from riding out to meet U-H for the final portion of his century ride this afternoon. August weather has been very nice so far.
One thing I failed to consider when establishing the mileage goal was that we'll be in Seattle for a solid week in early September. U-H has his annual Perio meeting to attend, and I'm going along mainly because Seattle is a cool town & we've got friends & family that live in the area. I'll probably check out the bike rental options while I'm there, but it's a pretty hilly area so U-H is convinced that I'll be miserable trying to pedal around, which of course means I have to at least TRY. If I get no pedaling done at all during the Seattle trip, I have to get slightly more than 25 miles per day between now and the end of September. Seems totally doable to me.
In the meantime, why don't you get off the couch and
Pedal Your Fat Ass Off
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