Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Minnesota State Fair - Surveying the Damage

There actually isn't any real damage, happily enough. Uber-Hubby & I were back up in the Twin Cities this past weekend so he could go to a friend's bachelor party (don't get me started on their shenanigans), so we decided to make Sunday our State Fair day. Our plan the last several years has been to ride our bikes to the fairgrounds & take advantage of the free bike parking sponsored by the Twin Cities Bicycling Club, and this year was no different. Our fave hotel (fridge & micro in room, only $20/day for the pooch) is up in Coon Rapids, so it was nearly 20 miles each way, and I'm happy to report that when I weighed in back at home I was only up a pound or two, and part of that is gone already this morning!

See? You CAN indulge now and then, but you have to plan for it and bump up your exercise to help counteract it. I did NOT restrict myself on food intake that day (Spam curds and mini donuts, anyone?), because really when you go to the State Fair you pretty much toss all dieting out the window for just that little while, but I was also sucking back tons of water all day long and got lots of exercise the whole weekend. As much fun as it was, I was happy to get back to the routine of eating my Seattle Sutton's food. Special thanks to Rita (I know she reads this) for letting me pick up Monday's stuff a few hours early as we drove back home through Faribault, saving me the gas and hassle of having to get home & come right back when she opened officially later that day.

I'm off to try and put in some bike mileage. I'm falling a bit behind on what I need to make the 3500 mile goal by the end of September. While I'm doing that, why don't you get off the couch and
Pedal Your Fat Ass Off

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