Not too happy about that one. I backslid just a bit from the last weigh in, and I'm sure it's partly because of poor, stress related food choices after I escaped from the garage last Thursday, but as it turns out there may be a bit of Aunt Flo water retention going on. That's odd, considering that the last one was only 2 weeks ago and I've NEVER been irregular like that before, but after reading some stuff on the Mayo Clinic website about perimenopause, who knows? There ARE some women who start experiencing minor symptoms in their late 30's (some in my mom's family), so it's a possibility. Sigh...That just means things could get a little tougher, but it'll all work out.

Bike mileage is tracking along ok, though I do need to step it up a bit on the days I don't ride all the way to Faribault and back. I've fallen slightly behind the goal of 150 miles/week, but the weather's looking good over the next few days, so I should be able to bring that up.
I'm kind of at loose ends this weekend without U-H here to go exploring with, I have to admit. Made my boot camp class at the gym early Friday morning (what an ass kicker that class is), then just kind of puttered around the house the rest of the day. I COULD go to a movie by myself (U-H doesn't want to see Mamma Mia anyway), but though I used to do that sort of thing all the time I just don't feel like it right now. Hockey practice this morning was a good workout as usual, but during scrimmage I proved exactly WHY I'm not a defenseman...Grabbed the puck as it slid out to me at the point and promptly "broke away" and scored on the wrong goal. I'm so used to being a forward (left wing, specifically) that I totally forgot which end of the ice was mine. I felt like such a dork, but the odd thing was that nobody hollered to say that I was going the wrong way, even my own team. Oh well...Breakfast at the coffee shop with the girls was fun afterwards as well.
It was such a nice day that I decided to load Rocky into the bike trailer and ride over to the dog park this afternoon. It was his first time going to this particular park, but he loved it and met lots of other puppies. The shocker was that he let a little baby play take swats at his nose without flinching away, which is huge for him because he's always been so skittish around people he doesn't know, especially children.
So that was my exercise for the day. What are YOU doing to get off the couch and
Pedal Your Fat Ass Off?
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